PyAlarm Properties Quick Reference

All properties are listed in panic/ file:

Global Properties

These properties are Tango free properties under PANIC group. Global Properties are used by PyAlarm and/or to store some GUI configuration.

PhoneBook: List of receiver aliases, declared like:;SMS:+34666555666,

Class Properties

Class properties are used applies to all PyAlarm devices.

SMSConfig: Arguments for sendSMS command,

SMSMaxLength: Maximum length of SMS messages,

SMSMaxPerDay: Maximum SMS messages per day,

MailMethod: Define mail method. Can be set to mail or smtp[:host[:port]],

MailDashRoption: If not empty, mail command is invoked with -r option to specify from_address (instead of -S from=...),

FromAddress: Address that will appear as Sender in mail and SMS,

AllowedActions: List of OS commands which alarms `ACTION`s are allowed to execute,

StartupDelay: Number of seconds that PyAlarm will wait before starting to evaluate alarms,

PanicAdminUsers: Users authorized to modify the Alarms (apart of receivers),

PanicUserTimeout: Number of seconds to keep user login in panic GUI,

UserValidator: Module.Class to be used to validate admin user/passwords,

GlobalReceivers: Receivers to be applied globally to all alarms. Declared as:

FILTER:receiver,ACTION(MESSAGE:…), like: *VC*,ACTION(RESET:command,t/t/t/stop),

AlarmWikiLink: An URL to a WiKi page, where one can find more info on alarms. If set it will appear on the AlarmEditor widget. The URL may contain a key {%ALARM%} which is then substituted with an alarm tag. Example:{%ALARM%},

Device Properties

Logging of alarms

LogFile: A file where alarms are logged, like /tmp/alarm_$NAME.log. One can use keywords: $DEVICE, $ALARM, $NAME, $DATE. If version>6.0 a FolderDS-like device can be used for remote logging: tango://test/folder/01/$ALARM_$DATE.log,

HtmlFolder: File where alarm reports are saved,

FlagFile: File where a 1 or 0 value will be written depending if there is any active alarm or not. This file can be used by other notification systems,

PyAlarm device instance configuration

LogLevel: stdout log filter, like INFO, DEBUG, ..,

StartupDelay: Number of seconds that PyAlarm will wait before starting the evaluation loop. For this time, all alarms handled by the device will have state OOSRV (out of service),

EvalTimeout: Timeout for read_attribute calls, in milliseconds,

UseProcess: To create new OS processes instead of threads (experimental),

UseTaurus: Use Taurus to connect to devices instead of plain PyTango (it is recommended to set it to True).